
We have four tailored packages to cover across all age groups. Each package has its own bespoke curriculum which can be tailored to the individual referred.
Primary package - Learn, play, Develop (4-11)
Intense mentoring service (11-16)
Tutoring (primary and secondary)
Post 16 (16+)
All packages include:​
A thorough referral process, including an initial consultation with professionals, concluded with a home visit to enable us to identify the perfect mentor to meet need.
Daily, detailed session reports shared with all professionals involved.
Six weekly reviews meetings.
A request for an SDQ to be completed by the appropriate setting and parent/carer, which will score and identify the area of need to focus on during our sessions.
Ed for All DSL will attend multi agency meetings where required.
Programmes are for a minimum of six weeks.
Programmes are between 2-4 sessions per week (3 hours per session)